Thursday 19 July 2012

Sadie`s dragon by Hannah Lynn

Hey everyone!

Today i`m going to show you a card i made here on my vacation...yeah i actually brought some crafty stuff with me, lol. But then again i`m just visiting my parents up north in Norway so i have the possibility to do some crafting.

For this card i have used an image by Hannah Lynn called Sadie`s dragon and it is one of the newest releases this month. It is available here.

This turned out as a quite easy one. As i don`t have my entire craft room with me it had to be allmost a CAS card, lol. Ok...that`s it from me today. Just make sure to hop on over to the challengeblog and join the challenge hosted by the rubbah team. I`m totally in awe over the fantastic creations the girls  have come up with. You are really in for a treat.


Thankyou for taking the time to leave a message it is lovely to hear from everyone.
Luv Teresa xx