Saturday 2 April 2011

Valentines night

Hey sweet crafters!

If you are here for the Crafts and Me bloghop, please click here to get to the start. If not, keep on reading, lol.

I am so relieved that i have finished my first post here at the Crafts and Me store blog. It was a bit scary but i have gottn soooo many positive responses that it has been overwhelming. Thank you soooo much to everyone that left me a bit of love for my card!

For my creation today i have used one of the beautiful new digis in the Crafts and Me store. It`s called Valentines night and is designed by the ever so talented Sara Burrier. If you follow the link you can find it right here.

The butterfly i got from a kit-club i am a member of. I think it is totally beautiful and goes well with the background paper.

Don`t forget that we are having a bloghop. Lots of yummy prizes, so make sure you jump on over to the Crafts and Me challenge blog where the hop starts and join in on the fun. The girls have made some very special and wonderful creations for you all to gaze upon. You have until Midnight (GMT) 15th April to join in. There is also time to enter our latest challenge so hurry up and enter your fabby creation. See you there.

Thanks for looking!



  1. Oh wow ! Beautiful card, a beauty !

  2. Georgous card Mona and lovely colouring
    Teresa x


Thankyou for taking the time to leave a message it is lovely to hear from everyone.
Luv Teresa xx